Computer Support - Adventure (Rated PG): Supporting tech-nol-o-gy. Yep, that's a computer alright. - Powered By Bloglines

Computer Support - Adventure (Rated PG): Supporting tech-nol-o-gy. Yep, that's a computer alright. - Powered By Bloglines

I saw the post on hardware reviews, they're not bad. They're not fluffed up with an angle to sell and computer or network hardware or having been sponsored by anyone to say good or bad things on particular hardware or software computer devices or applications. It seems that person is really a technician or engineer that support the computer software, applications and networks hardware (and other computer desktop hardware - can't leave out the printing wows that everyone has gone through). It really seems that person really works in the tech field and is posting for real stuff from a regular technician's or hardware and software integrator perspective.

A site that has some honest reviews of software and hardware is . The writer isn't a tech writer, you'll realize that right after the first reading but does have a flair and natural ability to write. That is important because as the reviews or computer desktop and server hardware is written about, the author isn't trying to play to any audience, isn't getting paid by anyone to write about their computer or network products, the author is just writing about the things they have experienced while working and applying computer desktop, server, backup and network technologies.

Other opinionated article and site regarding computer and networking technologies can be found that may have an opinion about computer and software and other such topics but if you notice they'll be commercial sites with commercial adds about computer desktop or server and networking hardware and software on the pages and more often the writers are paid to write about some product.

So you want an opinion from someone who was paid to provide it? Does that make sense? The writers on article sites or promotion (PR) sites often promote sites or products have a vested interest in what they are writing they've been often paid to say good things and in many cases to even just talk about the product.

Another site that's not a paid opinion site. The author hasn't been paid to say things about the product (at least not from what I can tell - the site doesn't seem commercialized)!4332AD0A933BC068!166.entry!4332AD0A933BC068!166.entry

For software that will enable remote desktop support and online server remote support through the web - Desktop Remote Support Software

SL predictions for 2008

I'll dig around for last years predictions, I think I got the number of residents correct as per June. The rest...well they were rubbish anyway.

For 2008 :-

The rate of Linden churn increases.

Concurrency hits 100,000.

An exploit is found in the LindenX, and all transactions are shutdown for two days.

Smaller Grids are installed in Europe and possibly Japan. Residents are routed via IP addresses, which cause a problem for European AOL users.

Googles Virtual world is lauded for it's User Interface, and ease of use. It becomes the standard for the VW that SL enjoys today. LL suddenly hurries up it's UI development to maintain some growth.

Virtual Worlds don't become mainstream this year. Much like the term "multimedia" was bandied around for about 3 years, and then that just meant a sound card and CD player and errrr..yeh.. wow.

An SL Machinema is shown on prime time BBC.

A lawsuit from some religious groups who want to ban all sexual content and products is launched, and then thrown out of court.

A Land Baron goes bust, and the fall out causes property prices to fall 30%.

"Man will never reach the moon regardless of all future scientific advances." -- Dr. Lee De Forest, inventor of the Audion tube and a father of radio, 25 February, 1967.