New Year's is a harmless annual institution, of no particular use to anybody save as a scapegoat for promiscuous drunks, and friendly calls and humbug resolutions. - Mark Twain
I'm not one for faith, as it seems to be the ultimate answer for those who can no longer think for themselves.
One thing I do believe is that the UK Labour Government has created yet another disaster in the encouragement of so called "Faith Schools".
So rather than mixing with young people of different backgrounds, and possibly learning that there are other people who have different ideas, these schools will foster isolationism and intolerance.
Another brilliant idea from Tony Blair, who converted to Catholicism, and oddly enough is supposed to encourage peace in the Middle east.
Question:- Lets see, name a group of people starting with, ummm "C", who have persecuted the Jews for just about 2000 years? Who has also been the enemy of the Arabs since about 1300 or so , that also starts with "C"
Answer:- The Catholic Church...
So yeah..I gave...
Calling Atheism a religion is like calling bald a hair color. - Don Hirschberg
Director Michael Bay must be someone very confident because he is already planning Transformers 3 even before the official release of the second opus.
Well, confident, he can be: hardcore fans and the broader public are eager at following a Transformers movie franchise.
Transformers 3 isn't exactly official as of now, but it really seems to be waiting in the wing. The news about Transformers 3 leaked online via Dark Horizons:
Transformers 3 On the upcoming release schedule for Germany, it appears that a second ‘Transformers’ sequel has already been scheduled for June 29th 2011.
Dark Horizons
Of course both Michael Bay and Shia Labeouf are keeping their lips tight. So we can but speculate about the plot of Transformers 3, the sequel to Transformers Revenge of the Fallen.
I am sure that Transformer 3 will be a blockbuster if it is released. But it will be hard for Michael Bay and his robots to monopolize the spotlights: so many good movies in 2011!
Any idea about a plot Transformers 3 should follow? Or about the villains in Transformers 3? :)
The Australian government is hitting a few obstacles with it's Cleanfeed program, and I can only say this makes me very pleased.
Although the forces of stupidity are strong The Rebel Alliance is starting stir. And what are Rebels without posters
We have a petition as well
The fact is that censorship always defeats its own purpose, for it creates, in the end, the kind of society that is incapable of exercising real discretion. ~Henry Steele Commager