New Year's is a harmless annual institution, of no particular use to anybody save as a scapegoat for promiscuous drunks, and friendly calls and humbug resolutions. - Mark Twain
Happy New year
New Year's is a harmless annual institution, of no particular use to anybody save as a scapegoat for promiscuous drunks, and friendly calls and humbug resolutions. - Mark Twain
Not a believer
One thing I do believe is that the UK Labour Government has created yet another disaster in the encouragement of so called "Faith Schools".
So rather than mixing with young people of different backgrounds, and possibly learning that there are other people who have different ideas, these schools will foster isolationism and intolerance.
Another brilliant idea from Tony Blair, who converted to Catholicism, and oddly enough is supposed to encourage peace in the Middle east.
Lets see, name a group of people starting with, ummm "C", who have persecuted the Jews for just about 2000 years?
Who has also been the enemy of the Arabs since about 1300 or so , that also starts with "C"
The Catholic Church...
So yeah..I gave...
Calling Atheism a religion is like calling bald a hair color. - Don Hirschberg
Transformers 3 Movie
Well, confident, he can be: hardcore fans and the broader public are eager at following a Transformers movie franchise.
Transformers 3 isn't exactly official as of now, but it really seems to be waiting in the wing. The news about Transformers 3 leaked online via Dark Horizons:
On the upcoming release schedule for Germany, it appears that a second ‘Transformers’ sequel has already been scheduled for June 29th 2011.
Of course both Michael Bay and Shia Labeouf are keeping their lips tight. So we can but speculate about the plot of Transformers 3, the sequel to Transformers Revenge of the Fallen.
I am sure that Transformer 3 will be a blockbuster if it is released. But it will be hard for Michael Bay and his robots to monopolize the spotlights: so many good movies in 2011!
Any idea about a plot Transformers 3 should follow? Or about the villains in Transformers 3?
On the Bus
You can see here that the word is spreading
When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.
-Robert Pirsig
Fighting Australian Censorship
The Australian government is hitting a few obstacles with it's Cleanfeed program, and I can only say this makes me very pleased.
Although the forces of stupidity are strong
The Rebel Alliance is starting stir.
And what are Rebels without posters
We have a petition as well
The fact is that censorship always defeats its own purpose, for it creates, in the end, the kind of society that is incapable of exercising real discretion. ~Henry Steele Commager
SL Magazines that exists outside SL distribution.
This is Nadine Nozakis entry for the Bloggers Mix n Match.
You can find the details of this idea of here at Vint Falkens blog:-
Now read on:-
I enjoy reading, I read news, gossip and much about SL on a daily basis yet this topic made me think, what to write about. I mean what is a magazine?
I'm pretty sure that even though I'm a fan of guns in SL, and carry on Zoes tradition, as I'm a girl with gun, that not the topic for this blog, it's the third meaning. As the works changes zine are as well. There are mainly two big types of magazines out there now. News and others on of the biggest running magazines in SL is the Avastar, even if it have been closed, it still much what formed the news around second life.
Even given that the fashion magazine can be a nice long relaxing read, and gives some great ideas both in photo and dressing. The art in many of the more stunning outfits and dresses is quite awesome, but must be kept to the look like normal super models. Maybe as I'm a vampire it's a little strange. Maybe it's just a part of the fashion industry as such.
New World Notes, main writer Hamlet Au. This is one of the major sources of news in Second Life, Hamlet keeps following many different aspects and also have contact with some of the Lindens feeding us with comments and information from the inside.
Christian love for all, except when you want to kill gay children school.html
Oh, It's gone, it seem that wanting to blow up a school full of gay kids is a bit much for blogger.
Thanks to Google Cache you can read all of this fantastic christian love for others.
"When lawlessness is abroad in the land, the same thing will happen here that happened in Nazi Germany. Many of those people involved with Adolph Hitler were Satanists, many of them were homosexuals--the two things seem to go together."
--Pat Robertson
and the quote, well most of those working with Hitler were actually Catholic, and not many where Gay either.
On the busses
BTW, I donated. I'm sure the FSM will forgive me.
Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful. - Seneca the Younger
Event Log AFD:Error (13) - Path Problem
Event Log AFD:Error (13)
This is a very uncommon error. If your receiving this error in an application like Captaris RightFax, then the solution may be as simple as a directory or file rights/permissions modification.
Check that the services that may be writing files for Captaris' services, and there are several of them, have the necessary rights to write to the folders the software writes to when creating or updating the index file stored and used for file retrieval and archival on the system during send and receive.
The error is not limited to the index file permission but also the pdf or tif files that are created with each receive (incoming). Especially if you are routing the incoming to folder locations based on the user who is to get them.
Check the this site/blog for further information:
Event Log AFD:Error (13) - Path Problem
The Great Wall of Australia
The main culprit was Sen Richard Alston beloved by the Register as the World Biggest Luddite, now we see this ridiculas idea being carried by Sen Stephen Conroy , who just might be the Worlds Second biggest Luddite.
It was generally agreed in the ISP world that this was impossible/impractical, and just a way to get votes. But the government has been beavering away in it's fevered desire to shield us sensitive Australians from the sad debauchery that prevails on the Internet.
The government has a Netalert program that is designed to keep children safe on line, this of course is a worthy idea, but typically doesn't really account for much. The UK has a simalare site called Stay Safe on Line. I suspect many of the UK internet users have ever heard of it.
So far only one person has come out to save us, and produced the wonderful Netalarm it's designed to help those poor adults who are just to stupid to think for themselves, oh hang on, this might just be a parody site. It will get blocked soon, you can count on that.
There are a few issues that need to be looked at
Someone else is going to decide what I can look at on the Internet...seemingly I have to abide by their moral standards. This is the same as someone deciding what TV I can watch, or what Videos I can rent.
Does this mean I will all ways have Safe Search turned on in Google? Possibly since google can find P0rn it will be blocked totally.
One of my favorite site is, it is blocked by many censorware programs as it links to ways to bypass these Censoring programs. So I can say goodbye to BoingBoing.
Age of Conan has bare breasted woman characters, so we can say goodbye to Chimmera. (Actually it seems a wardrobe revolution has taken place in the last few months)
SL, that's a major den of sin and depravity, well I guess the Gov had better block that as well. It has it's one embeded browser, so that will not be blocked.
Does filtering work?
Not if your a reasonably intelligent child, it only took Tom Wood about 30 minutes to break the government recommended filter (GO TOM!!). Not only did he bypass the blocks, but it still looked like it was working as the tool bar icon was still there.
So lets see what else can we use to view material that might be deemed unsuitable by those Australians who feel the need not to be coddled by the government:-
We have overseas proxy servers
The Tor network
Webpages by email
SL users have a web browser built in the client, oh of course, it's probably going to be blocked.
So what can we do? Probably not much as it's almost certain not to work, and will be another waste of taxpayers money. The govenment wil no dought call it a truimph, and says it protects familys.
I have some questions
What happens if the servers doing the filtering fail?
Will the interent just completly stop?
Where will the servers be located?
How do I get a site rechecked to get unblocked?
Is the list of blocked sites and material going to be public? If not, why not?
There is a petition than can be signed, but then again, since when have politicians ever regarded them? I guess that site will be blocked as well.
We used to say that Australia has a "cultural cringe" but..well that was a long time ago , and now we Australians are well over that. I have a slight problem with that belief. It looks to me that it's still there and actually increasing.
You only have to look in the newspaper about the supposed outrage over the latest works by Bill Hensen, a world renowned photographer. Our brilliant new PM called them "revolting", but I'm glad to say that some people have spoken out for common sense . In the past he has done nude of teenagers and there has not been a problem, so what has changed?
Sometimes I'm ashamed to be an Australian.
Censorship reflects society's lack of confidence in itself. It is a hallmark of an authoritarian regime. ~Potter Stewart
Hate and the Virtual Person
Hatred is a strong term that goes beyond simply causing offence or hostility. Hate crime is any criminal offence committed against a person or property that is motivated by an offender's hatred of someone because of their:-
race, colour, ethnic origin, nationality or national origins
gender or gender identity
sexual orientation
In Second Life and other Virtual worlds people can choose their race, colour, height, even not to be human.
In the last few weeks there have been some remarkably bigoted opinions aired on some blogs, about other people who make the choices to be a difference race or gender. Threats have been made to "out" them. I personally think this is covered under gender identity.
Sharing/publishing information about the RL another SL citizen is also forbidden under the TOS, and can get your account cancelled.
Sophrosyne Stenvaag was so disturbed by these occurrences that she has decided to make October 25 "Gender Freedom day", and this will be celebrated in Extropia.
What is even more disturbing is the fact Sophrosyne and I are seeing different occurrences of the same problems. So it's even worse than we both thought.
The Metaverse Journal has also reported on the day, and a google for "Gender Freedom day" brings up a few results, but not nearly enough for it to be widly known.
Class, race, sexuality, gender and all other categories by which we categorize and dismiss each other need to be excavated from the inside. :- Dorothy Allison
Freedom to Read
September 27 - October 4, 2008
I quote from the Website:-
"It was launched in 1982 in response to a sudden surge in the number of challenges to books in schools, bookstores and libraries. More than a thousand books have been challenged since 1982."
According to the American Library Association, more than 400 books were challenged in 2007. The 10 most challenged titles were:
1. And Tango Makes Three by Justin Richardson and Peter Parnell
2. The Chocolate War by Robert Cormier
3. Olive’s Ocean by Kevin Henkes
4. The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman
5. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
6. The Color Purple by Alice Walker
7. TTYL by Lauren Myracle
8. I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou
9. It’s Perfectly Normal by Robie Harris
10. The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
Why is this so important? Because it means the suppression of ideas, the ideas that can show other long held ideas to be fake.
Who has hit the headlines for wanting to ban books? OMG it's Sara Palin, but is it true?
It might have been possible a year ago to find out for sure, but now, I suspect every disinformation trick will have been pulled, and getting the real story via the internet is impossible.
"There are many little ways to enlarge your child's world. Love of books is the best of all."
— Jacqueline Kennedy
New threat to Internet privacy
When it comes to privacy and accountability, people always demand the former for themselves and the latter for everyone else. - David Brin
Desktops, Servers, and Networks, oh MY!: RAID - Not Just for Servers Anymore
RAID, once found only in network server and on a very rare occasion, and on a very expensive desktop computer system. Any desktop years ago that had true hardware RAID installed was a very expensive and rare site to see. often, it was for someone who had way too much money and needed something to brag about. In legit cases however, if there were a desktop with hardware RAID installed it would also be acting as a server in some capcity or the user was just paranoid and didn't want to save anything in public space such as a network server.
RAID - Not Just for Servers Anymore
I think this is great and wish it could have been so inexpensive to add RAID to desktops many years ago. I know that it would have saved many people a lot of pain as their computers took a dive and the hard drive they stored much of their data on was never backed up.
What prompted me to add this post is during a recent installation of Vista Ultimate edition on a desktop computer system, I noticed a button on the installation drive selection window. It said load drivers and so out of curiosity, I clicked it. Behold, an option to add third party disk drivers to Vista. This was once a part of the text based installation of XP and Windows 2000, but now it's been nicely GUI-fied.
Oddly enough though, when you click the button to add disk drivers to the Vista installation, you are asked to insert a diskette containing the drivers. So just as it's becoming common place to see RAID installed in desktops, it becoming just as rare to see floppy drives installed on new systems.
Desktops, Servers, and Networks, oh MY!: RAID - Not Just for Servers Anymore
Petition to Linden Lab on the Policy of Trademark Enforcement
LL has gone way to far with this Trademark issue.
Linden Research Inc., a company incorporated in Delaware, United States of America (”Linden”), doing business as Linden Lab®, developers of the Second Life® virtual world platform, owners of not only the Second Life® registered trademark (in the US, Europe, and other countries), and the eye-on-hand logo, but also of several recently registered trademarks (including, but not exclusive, to the words “SL”, “SL Grid”, “Second Life Grid”, “2nd Life”, etc.), has launched, in May 2004, the “Second Life® Fansite Toolkit”, which was later reinforced with referral programmes like “Viva La Evolution”, to positively encourage the widespread use of Linden’s trademarks, so long as it was quite clearly displayed that no infringement was intended, and a disclaimer to non-affiliation to Linden.
A direct quotation of the previous accepted use includes the following paragraph:
While you are in full compliance with the usage guidelines described here, you may use the “Second Life” name on your website, as well as the related logos and graphics available at Toolkit, solely in the form described there. Additionally, you may use screenshots from Second Life to the extent that Linden Lab has the right to authorize use of the content within such screenshot, including screenshots of Linden in-world objects and Linden avatars, subject to these usage guidelines.
The full text of the acceptable use of Linden’s trademarks is published here. Three versions of the Fansite Toolkit were distributed by Linden, which included banners, logos, and a set of images, as well as a PDF encouraging their dissemination (the link is not available any more).
Under these gentle terms, users of the Second Life® platform have set up dozens of thousands of websites, blogs, forums, 3rd party services (both inside the Second Life® environment or on the World-Wide Web). The intended purpose of the “Fansite Toolkit” was not only accomplished, but overwhelmingly effective. From about 10,000 registered users in May 2004, the number of registrations climbed to over 13 million users in March 2008, and the growth continues — as well as the growth in the number of fansites related to the Second Life® environment. A quick search on Google comparing the number of times “Second Life” is referred on Linden’s own sites (9000+ results) compared to what the non-Linden sites (24 million results) shows quite clearly that the promotion and marketing of “Second Life” as a Linden product is, by far, being done outside Linden’s own feeble efforts — as it was intended.
The terms of the “Fansite Toolkit” enabled furthermore a small startup company in San Francisco, without any advertising, promotion, or little public relations in 2004, to create one of the most effectively known technologies on the Internet, enjoying raving press reviews in late 2006, and, since then, a product and an environment that cannot be further ignored by the mainstream. Like it or hate it, the Second Life® virtual world is now part of the Internet’s history. All this was achieved thanks to the huge community of very enthusiastic users of Linden’s platform, who have promoted its use way beyond Linden’s own ability to market their own product.
The secret of Second Life®’s success was, however, accompanied by an adaptation of the word to describe not only Linden’s product, but a new concept that did not exist before: a community of users that generate content in a shared environment, using Linden’s tools and Linden-managed computer servers to provide an interconnected grid where this content can exist. The usage of “Second Life” was never strictly associated with the client software (the 3D viewer installed on users’ computers), the server software (running on Linden’s servers), or the communication protocol (which, until recently, was even unnamed). Rather, “Second Life” was employed, for the past four years, to describe all the above together as a technology empowering user-created content in a virtual world environment using Linden’s technology. The subtle difference has, however, huge implications. “Second Life”, as employed on the 24 million links stored by Google,(ref) describes not patented software (the Second Life® client is, indeed, free and open source) nor a “technology”, but an “environment”, a “virtual world”.
The situation is very analogous to the usage of the terms “World-Wide Web” or “Internet” (the latter having at some point been trademarked by Microsoft around 1995, with little success), both describing a certain use of several technologies, hardware, software, and telecommunications, but where no definite claim can be made on the resulting environment created by a community of users. Derivative words like “Internet Service Provider” or “Web consultant” are popularly used. The difference between those two terms is that no organisation currently managed to secure a claim to those names.
But further examples are also common, where registered trademarks have been adopted by a community of users generating content for their platforms. Thousands of sites and technologies have used the term “Mac” in their names, or even “Windows” (clear cases where the respective owners, Apple and Microsoft, have indeed solidly claimed their registered trademarks). “Mac” and “Windows” fansites abound and help the promotion of these technologies and platforms. The difference, in those two cases, is that the popularity of those technologies was heavily promoted by their owners through massive advertising and public relations. And still both companies “allow” the widespread use of their trademarked names in 3rd party websites, fansites, service providers, or even products!
Second Life®, by contrast, never enjoyed the same level of promotion by Linden. It relied on the “Fansite Toolkit” as the primary — and most successful! — way of “viral marketing”, effectively crowdsourcing the co-promotion of the Second Life® virtual world by its users. And these, obviously, were very eager to do so — since all participants in the virtual world, Linden and their users, benefit tremendously from this cooperative promotion. “Your World, Your Imagination”, Linden’s motto for their Second Life® virtual world platform, was taken to an extreme, and perhaps unprecedented, level in the history of technology dissemination.
Recent developments
Possibly advised by their legal advisers, Linden announced here and here that they would start as of now to aggressively discourage the usage of all Linden-related registered trademarks, thus effectively reverting its four-year old policy of co-promotion through marketing crowdsourcing. The major issue with the current population of Second Life® users is that dozens of thousands of products and services were created within compliance with the old guidelines, and there is no provision made by Linden to “grandfather” existing services now currently in existence. Almost all have no legal protection that will allow them to contest any of Linden’s claims in court to shut their services down if they receive Linden’s Cease & Desist letters. Linden’s claim to their trademarks is, naturally, factually correct, unambiguous, and entirely within Linden’s rights.
There is, however, one aspect of Linden’s claims where we feel the Guidelines are overshooting the legitimate intent of Linden Research in preserving their trademarked brands and preventing their dilution. We refer to the section “Proper Reference to Linden Lab’s Brand Names in Text“, which basically outlines how any mention of terms trademarked by Linden has to be written any text published. Among other things, it claims to make sure the brand names are only ever used with an “appropriate generic noun” of which Linden provides a list, and that “as often as possible”, down to capitalisation, spelling, elisions and contractions. In effect, this precludes any usage of trademarked terms in text in most of the forms current nowadays, and dictates to commentators, bloggers and critics how and what to write when referring to trademarked terms.
The issue, however, is even more serious. Although Linden’s prevention of the use of trademarks under the new guidelines could be contested in court, either in the US or elsewhere, possibly appealing to estoppel, as a matter of fact, Linden can — through its new Terms of Service, that all users required to sign to access their content on Linden’s virtual world — simply ban any user that Linden considers to be in violation of their trademark claims. By virtue of the same principle, Linden can simply ban any user that exerts his or her rights to free speech, nominative use of trademarked terms as laid down by US law, or equivalent rights under local legislation.
In effect, Linden is able to enforce their own interpretation of the usage of their trademarks by banning all content they view as “threatening” to their claims on registered trademarks, no matter if it is displayed inside Linden’s virtual world or anywhere else on the world. Linden’s decision to ban avatars and remove content is unilateral and not appealable unless a user is willing to sue Linden in a court under the jurisdiction of the State of California.
This total reversal of Linden’s policy threatens to shut down most (fortunately not all) of the sites providing 24 million links to Linden’s products and services; it threatens to deprive Second Life of hundreds or thousands of 3rd party services, websites, fan sites, blogs, Second Life®-specific media, artistic and cultural developments, educational and research efforts — not to mention thousands or dozens of thousands of the most energic “evangelisers” that have co-promoted Linden’s products and technologies in the past which might, in less than three months, see their accounts banned and their content deleted with little or no hope of appeal.
Open petition to Linden Research, Inc.
The community of users of the Second Life® world always recognised, beyond a shadow of doubt, Linden’s full right to its registered trademarks, which were almost always duly credited, and clearly stated their non-affiliation with Linden and that they had no intention of infringing in any of Linden’s rights or claims to the trademarks. Some of those trademarks were never disputed, for several years since their registration and use by Linden, and Linden’s claim to them is solid and universally accepted world-wide. Linden, in return, gently condescended to a limited usage of their registered trademarks for specific purposes, well stated in a clear document (the “Fansite Guidelines”). The very few exceptions where abuse occurred could be effectively dealt with by Linden’s own legal advisers and were very reduced in number.
It is our belief that the extreme switch to the complete opposite of what has been actively promoted in the past four years is not a good marketing strategy — effectively, fighting off, one by one, all the most energetic promoters of Linden and their products, shutting down their right to talk and co-promote Linden’s technology and environment, ban their accounts, and remove their content. A four-year policy grants (at least under estoppel) the large community of enthusiastic supporters the moral right to request from Linden a better model of co-promotion, one that is fair and balanced, protective of Linden’s legal rights as valid owners of their registered trademarks, but also that allows “fansites” to continue to spread and promote Linden’s products without fear of litigation.
We thus propose the following:
- Accept that, by introducing the “Fansite Guidelines” four years ago, Linden effectively allowed co-branding and co-promotion of their registered trademarks, so long as these were displayed on “website[s] created and maintained by residents or other devotees of Second Life®, with content primarily focused on some aspect of Second Life.” and had no other purpose. These “Fansite Guidelines” lead to fair expectations (under estoppel) of goodwill of Linden towards a fair use of their trademarks without intention to infringe on any of Linden’s rights.
- Rewrite, but not eliminate, the “Fansite Guidelines” to be more strict, but still allow the usage of Linden’s trademarked words as part of the co-promotional effects, accepting that their existence in no way invalidates Linden’s claims on their registered trademarks, but only serve as a vehicle for promotion and marketing.
- Require that all such websites register with Linden and formally accept the Guidelines (very similar to the request for the display of the “inSL” logo). Remember your international audience, too, and provide translations as well.
- Reinforce the duty of all websites under the “Fansite Guidelines” to be strictly compliant with these, or face a Cease & Desist letter/Takedown notice.
- Request to all owners of such websites a clear display of their non-affiliation with Linden or its subsidiaries, stated clearly and unambiguously.
- Reword the statements of the Brand Center, which currently states that no requests for the usage of any of the trademarks (with few exceptions) will be taken, and that most emails will never be answered (or even read). Instead, work on a case-by-case basis, grandfather existing products and services, and work with organisations, groups, and companies owning those websites to make sure they clearly comply with the Guidelines.
- Request assistance from the users to locate, identify, and report websites where your Fansite Guidelines are not in compliance, or their non-affiliation with Linden is not being clearly and unambiguously stated, or where your registered trademarks are illegally used. Deal with each case separately and encourage first the non-compliant websites to voluntarily display conforming information, and threaten with a Cease & Desist or takedown letter if they refuse.
- Remove the threat to ban avatars from users that have inadvertently ignored (or misunderstood) the Guidelines. Instead, warn them and give due notice of their lack of compliance with the Guidelines, encourage them to sign on and register their sites, and validate their compliance after the warning.
- Continue to invest in the world-wide co-promotion of the “Second Life®” brand by launching different levels of “affiliation programmes”; “inSL” is a good start but a very weak one with limited value (no aggressive promotion by Linden of the logo and word).
We would also request Linden to further clarify the potentially censurous policy towards residents implied in the guidelines in conjunction with the Terms of Service:
- Clarify that the rules and policies outlined in the brand guidelines under the heading of Proper Reference to Linden Lab’s Brand Names in Text do not apply to cases covered by rights of free speech, including but not limited to nominative use of trademarked terms under US law and equivalent rights conferred upon users of the Second Life® service by local legislation.
- Clarify that Linden Research does not intend to ban or threaten to ban users exerting the rights delineated above, independently of the contractual relationship created by their usage of the Second Life® service.
We feel that the above proposal, if correctly implemented, and duly promoted, will not only reinforce Linden’s claim to their registered trademarks, but positively encourage their further widespread in all media, without hurting the millions of hours spent in the past year by dozens of thousand of users to promote and disseminate Linden’s products and services world-wide.
I would like to thank the following residents, who helped fleshing out the above document, provided insight, comments, and rewriting of several sections, as well as some minor legal advice.
Cat Magellan and Ana Lutetia, for their encouragement in writing the petition
Rheta Shan, for the extensive revision and adding several sections and changes
SignpostMarv Martin for comments and more external links
Jamie Palisades, for comments on estoppel and genericide
iAlja Writer, Tateru Nino, and several others for taking a look at the document and making some private comments
PalUP Ling, for the T-shirt (and his promotion)
Jacek Antonelli, for her uncannily good Mouth in Foot logo!
The unofficial community of Second Life® residents on Twitter, for a lot of comments, input, and ideas
An even larger group of bloggers that wrote about the issue, providing lots to think about, and including, but definitely not limited, to the following articles: (even more links here)
Robin Linden, for some early clarifications before Catherine Linden posted her article on Linden’s Official Blog
and Everett Linden for reading this document before it was publicly posted.
Permission to copy the above text, modify it, or translate it into other languages, is granted by the author.
“Second Life®”, “SL®”, “SL Grid®”, and “Linden Lab®” are registered trademarks by Linden Research, Inc. (Delaware, USA)
Jacek Antonelli’s Mouth in Foot logo is used under a Creative Commons Attribution License.VMware Boot From ISO Image
One of the nice features, and VMWare has many great features, of VMWare Workstation is the ability to select an ISO image to boot from. If the ISO is the installation media for a guest operating system then the installation for the operating system begins.
In the case of Vista fo example, it comes often on DVD. If the user of VMWare worksation doesn't own a DVD player on their computer and their budget is tight, they are left with trying to borrow one or have the DVD image converted to an ISo. Once they have the ISO image, the file can be compied to a network drive or stored on the local hard-drive. Throuhg VM's interface, the ISO image can be selected to boot from and the installation begins.
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I saw the post on hardware reviews, they're not bad. They're not fluffed up with an angle to sell and computer or network hardware or having been sponsored by anyone to say good or bad things on particular hardware or software computer devices or applications. It seems that person is really a technician or engineer that support the computer software, applications and networks hardware (and other computer desktop hardware - can't leave out the printing wows that everyone has gone through). It really seems that person really works in the tech field and is posting for real stuff from a regular technician's or hardware and software integrator perspective.
A site that has some honest reviews of software and hardware is . The writer isn't a tech writer, you'll realize that right after the first reading but does have a flair and natural ability to write. That is important because as the reviews or computer desktop and server hardware is written about, the author isn't trying to play to any audience, isn't getting paid by anyone to write about their computer or network products, the author is just writing about the things they have experienced while working and applying computer desktop, server, backup and network technologies.
Other opinionated article and site regarding computer and networking technologies can be found that may have an opinion about computer and software and other such topics but if you notice they'll be commercial sites with commercial adds about computer desktop or server and networking hardware and software on the pages and more often the writers are paid to write about some product.
So you want an opinion from someone who was paid to provide it? Does that make sense? The writers on article sites or promotion (PR) sites often promote sites or products have a vested interest in what they are writing they've been often paid to say good things and in many cases to even just talk about the product.
Another site that's not a paid opinion site. The author hasn't been paid to say things about the product (at least not from what I can tell - the site doesn't seem commercialized)!4332AD0A933BC068!166.entry!4332AD0A933BC068!166.entry
For software that will enable remote desktop support and online server remote support through the web - Desktop Remote Support Software
SL predictions for 2008
For 2008 :-
The rate of Linden churn increases.
Concurrency hits 100,000.
An exploit is found in the LindenX, and all transactions are shutdown for two days.
Smaller Grids are installed in Europe and possibly Japan. Residents are routed via IP addresses, which cause a problem for European AOL users.
Googles Virtual world is lauded for it's User Interface, and ease of use. It becomes the standard for the VW that SL enjoys today. LL suddenly hurries up it's UI development to maintain some growth.
Virtual Worlds don't become mainstream this year. Much like the term "multimedia" was bandied around for about 3 years, and then that just meant a sound card and CD player and errrr..yeh.. wow.
An SL Machinema is shown on prime time BBC.
A lawsuit from some religious groups who want to ban all sexual content and products is launched, and then thrown out of court.
A Land Baron goes bust, and the fall out causes property prices to fall 30%.
"Man will never reach the moon regardless of all future scientific advances." -- Dr. Lee De Forest, inventor of the Audion tube and a father of radio, 25 February, 1967.