Dear Australian Christian Lobby

The Australian Christian Lobby aren't happy 

Schools should not be used to recruit kids to ‘gay pride’ march
Posted by ACL Team on December 16th, 2010


The Australian Christian Lobby (ACL) today responded to a call by the Safe Schools Coalition Victoria (SSCV) for schools to bring children along to a gay pride event.

“All schools should be safe schools, but using Government funding to persuade children to attend a ‘gay pride’ march is not how our tax dollars should be spent,” according to ACL’s Victorian Director Rob Ward.

“Teachers taking students along to this kind of event is outside the purposes for which schools exist. Educating students should be the priority not promoting alternative lifestyles.

“There is no place for bullying in our schools, whatever the motivation, however this call by SSCV demonstrates how one group can push an ideological agenda using government funding.”

Mr Ward said so called ‘gay pride’ marches were no place for young children as they were often sexually explicit and contained content inappropriate for children.

Mr Ward also questioned the use of a LaTrobe University letterhead to write to schools seeking to recruit children to the march.

“We call upon the new Baillieu government to rein in funding for groups like SSCV and instead promote programs that address bullying in a wider context, teaching respect and understanding across the whole school system.”

I decided that I must reply

“All schools should be safe schools, but using Government funding to persuade children to attend a ‘gay pride’ march is not how our tax dollars should be spent,” according to ACL’s Victorian Director Rob Ward"

I agree, this is not how our tax dollars should be spent, and we could save Govt money by getting rid of those Chaplains and spent it on real teachers.

But hang on, Religions don't pay tax, not even on your profit making enterprises. So the Australian Government misses out on about $20 Billion a year. Pay that and part of the problem is solved.

"Mr Ward said so called ‘gay pride’ marches were no place for young children as they were often sexually explicit and contained content inappropriate for children. "

I agree with this as well, they should be given into the care of the local Catholic Priest, and learn about 'Gay Pride' in a secret and shameful fashion from an expert.

“We call upon the new Baillieu government to rein in funding for groups like SSCV and instead promote programs that address bullying in a wider context, teaching respect and understanding across the whole school system.”

I agree with this as well, we should stop letting religious children thinking themselves as better than those have no religion. If they where taught Humanist principals, that all people are equal regardless of Race, Sex, or sexual identity, then the world would head towards a much better future.
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I wonder if it will stay or be deleted ?

You can safely assume that you've created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do.  ~Anne Lamott