Brisbane Floods

          I'm so very sad to see the terrible damage the current floods are doing in Queensland and in Brisbane. If your in the US imagine Chicago being flooded, or in the UK walking thought the centre of  Liverpool knee deep in water.

The death toll is now 12, and many more are expected as the water recedes, and it's very likely some peoples bodies will never be found.

Everyone is commenting how well the State Premier Anna Bligh is dealing with the crisis, even when it's possible her own house will flooded.

 Federal opposition leader Tony Abbott on the other hand seems to be more concerned about the budget deficit, and cutting back on the National Broadband Network.

The current estimate is a damage bill of over 5 Billion Dollars, it could be more than Hurricane Katrina.

Sadly the State library,museum, and Art gallery is being flooded, business are closing and houses are being lifted and floating away, and of course people are dying.

Here is a map to help you realize just how big an area is affected

There actually is a potential serious world wide financial problem. Central Queensland provides coal....lots of it...lots and lots of nasty black coal. It's not for generating power, it's for making steel. So this could be potentially a world wide issue for anyone who uses steel, and if your reading this...that would be you.

The official QueenslandGovernment donation website

Fellow Second Lifers can visit Extend a Helping Hand Fair
(Cut and Pasted from Moggs Oceanlane yet again)

* Teleport/SLURL - Go there now!:
* Flickr Group: Extend a Helping Hand Fair - show off your purchases.
* More information: Kat Johnston's blog - find more out about the 'Extend a Helping Hand Fair' in Second Life which is raising funds for the Queensland Floods.

It should not take a once in a thousand year drought or a flood half as big as Europe to convince us that our climate is changing. Premier Mike Rann 12 Jan 2011