First Post

So here I am, joining the online blogging brigade. Why now, because it's Aimee Webers fault!! Here i was just fooling around with the DIY Southpark at and then put it up on Flickr, and then AW has to do it!

But so what if hers look better, oh well.

Well this will mostly be about 2nd Life, I have sort of been inspired by Torleys pics on Flickr to do more while I'm in world.

I've seen a nice plane by Cubey Terra I think I'll get, it's the CLAWW, why this one? Because it's the only one I didn't crash within seconds of take off, and look, he has a web site cool.

I'm not a great flyer, I must have left 7-8 UFOs in the water around Help Island while I was there. But I took this out for a fly, and it was great.

When I took out the Ornithopter, well, lets say the people in the Sandbox next to the airport dont even lookup (down?) when you go straight in to the ground. It's not the plane, it's my flying.

So I will be playing around with the design of the site for some time, the random pics down the bottom, don't really work like I had thought. But then when I started on the Web HTML was done in Notepad or vi.

Do not spin this aircraft. If the aircraft does enter a spin it will return to earth without further attention on the part of the aeronaut.
— first handbook issued with the Curtis-Wright flyer.